Tasmania enjoys a perfect climate for fast growing eucalyptus plantations. High rainfalls, ideal temperature and fertile soils provide perfect growing condition for Eucalyptus Nitens.
Tasmania’s private forest estate covers 1,105,000 ha (Table 1) and comprises approximately 33% of Tasmania’s reported forest area. The total includes both forest on private land, as well as privately owned/managed forest on public land. The area underwent a relatively minor increase of approximately 9,000 ha over the previous year. The net increase is the result of both additions and subtractions from the private forest estate.
At 2.85 million tonnes, the private hardwood plantation estate provided the market with the highest volume of logs on record for Tasmania.
Harvesting of hardwood plantations increased from the 2017-18 high by 390,000 tonnes, or 16%. This is the third year in a row where private
hardwood plantations have provided greater than 1.75 million tonnes of logs to the market and the second year in a row where the private hardwood plantations have provided greater than 2 million tonnes of logs to the market.
There was an increase of 388,000 tonnes of logs exported and a slight increase of 2,500 tonnes of logs supplied to domestic mills. The increase in exported volumes was primarily from unpruned veneer logs (0.19 million tonnes), unpruned saw logs (0.14 million tonnes), and wood chips (0.11 million tonnes) masking a decrease in pruned hardwood saw log exports (0.05 million tonnes) when compared to 2016-17 production levels.
A significant opportunity exists for domestic processing of saw log from Eucalypt plantations in Tasmania. Approximately 643’000m3
of saw log (Table 2) is currently being produced to be used as a either saw log, veneer or ply logs, with less than 5% being processed domestically. This volume represents the demand, not the available saw log from the forest. We believe that this innovation will significantly improve the investment returns for sustainable renewable hardwood plantation forestry, creating diversity in markets for both plantation
growers and investors as well as creating a Environmentally Sustainable and Efficient Supply Chain that is focused on removing inefficiencies from the Plantation to the Project.
Strategic Drivers
Australia currently has an annual wood and wood products trade deficit of nearly $2 billion.
There is no locally available softwood plantation timber available to offset this shortfall.
This project creates a “new basket” of timber from plantation resource not previously utilised for structural timber.
This product will be a superior alternative to both locally and internationally available softwood CLT panels.
World’s first Hardwood Cross Laminated Timber Panel.
CLTP Tasmania has secured a Memorandum of Understanding with a major plantation owner for a long term sustainable log supply.